Here's what you'd see on a Yamaha YX600
Radian parts microfiche if you had one. You'll find exploded
diagrams with part numbers, and some useful technical info at the end of
each file. If you need
parts, check with Derek at
Motolab. He's also owns a Radian,
knows what he's doing, and is a highly regarded
member of the Yahoo Radian Group.
There are five files (one for each
year model). Each file is very small (under 1MB).
To download a file, right click the link
to the file you want and choose "Save Target As..."
YX600 S/SC
YX600 T/TC (1987)
YX600 U/UC (1988)
YX600 W/WC (1989)
YX600 A/AC (1990)